
Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland: Double Feature

Created by Brian Shutter

Grab Riders of the Burpwarp/Warpshine Runnerz today! Also with a ton of extras to make your games more wild!!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Books are all out and on the way!
about 1 month ago – Fri, Aug 16, 2024 at 04:42:16 AM

Prior to leaving for Necronomicon i was able to get all the US books finally out the door and get the rest of the world books out to the respected parties to begin mailing them out as well. This process took way too long and there is no excuse  for it. So moving fforward i will be using a fullfilment company so they can handle projects better! Thanks for the support and understanding!

Stay Rad!


Shipping progress
3 months ago – Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 04:00:29 PM

Maniacs! I am here to announce that shipping is progressing. Slower than I anticipated, but the books are heading out to all you wonderful backers! I expect to have them all out of here by the end of July! If you have them already let me know what you think! If you are waiting, I thank you for your patience and it will be over soon. 


Shipping is underway!
3 months ago – Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 12:58:06 PM

Everyday boxes of books have been hauled off to the post office! Boxes have been coming in and I am looking forward to hearing what you think! Thanks for all the support and I am happy to see this one start to come to an end!


The good, the bad, and the ugly update.
4 months ago – Wed, Jun 05, 2024 at 11:11:03 AM

Maniacs! If you have been on social media you have seen the books have landed, well in Indiana and I have to go get them and fulfillment will start next week! Still waiting on the standees to ship, but everything else is here! This is the good news. Now comes the bad and the ugly.

A copy of each book landed at the Neon Lords HQ and I was able to flip through them. Everything looks amazing in Riders of the Burpwarp and Warpshine Runnerz, EXCEPT 3 pages got messed up. 

As you can see the back layer shot forward... on all 3 pages. Some kind of update on the art pushed it and I missed it. It sucks for sure, but here is the rundown.

So it hit 3 pages in the Beyond Beggar's Ridge section. The pages are not vital to the 37 locations and the adventure. 

The 3 pages will be printed and mailed with the book, the PDF will be fixed, and if anyone buys it after the KS then they can download all 3 pages to print out or I will print them and mail them out. Not the end of the world, but I wish it didn't happen. 

Hope this little bump doesn't spoil the book for you, it is 100 percent playable minus these little parts and not to mention the pages will be added!

Thanks for your understanding and support.


The beginning of the end.
4 months ago – Sat, May 18, 2024 at 06:27:15 AM

Maniacs! Hopefully, you have downloaded the PDFs of Riders and Warpshine and are enjoying them! If you are please head over to Drivethru and give 'em a review! It for sure helps in getting more eyes on Neon Lords! While you are over there...

In celebration of the release of the PDFs Crazy Eddie is selling Neon Lords PDFs for dirt cheap! Act fast cause a deal like this won't last long! Speaking of not lasting long....

The books should return from the printer on June 1st-ish and fulfillment will begin! Lots of fun stuff is added to this project so expect some surprises when you open your box! Thank you for all your continued support. Hopefully, the wait is well worth it!

Lord Randy be Praised! 
