
Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland: Double Feature

Created by Brian Shutter

Grab Riders of the Burpwarp/Warpshine Runnerz today! Also with a ton of extras to make your games more wild!!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Scratch and Sniff Sticker ART!!!!!
about 1 year ago – Sat, Sep 23, 2023 at 09:13:01 AM

These things will be dripping with some serious stench! 

Day one backers get one for free!!

If you missed the day one backing or want to grab a few of these stickers, they will be available in the Backerkit as an add-on!!!

In regards to the rest of the campaign, everything is running smooth! Art coming in and the books are in the layout process. We are looking to open up the Backerkit and send out the surveys Nov 1st and begin shipping Dec 1st! 

Look for more book-related updates soon! Wanted to show off this amazing art!

Hope you have a great weekend and LORD RANDY BE PRAISED!!!


It's a WRAP!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Sep 14, 2023 at 07:08:58 AM

The third Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland KS is in the books!  With an astounding grand total of 11,893 funds raised by 203!!! 

The books are almost done. WIth just Mustafa and I working on them they tend to go pretty quick. Still have some art left and they are both are in the layout process right now. The timeline moving forward is thus:

Now to Oct 31st: Finish the books, Get the Scratch and Sniff Stickers, and standees printed

Nov:1 Start the printing of both books

Dec:1 Start shipping the books out

Simple and quick. 

The Backerkit will be opened here soon to start getting the info and getting numbers as there will be some add-ons available!!

That is all I have for now!!! Thank you for the amazing support, without the Neon Maniacs this would never happen!!!! Looking forward to getting these books in your hands!

5 days left!!!
about 1 year ago – Fri, Sep 08, 2023 at 05:05:53 AM


We are coming to the end of this amazing campaign! Thank you to all the Neon Maniacs who backed and pushed the project out! Without you, this would never happen! But we ain't done yet and have a SLEW of awesome stretch goals yet to unlock! With the last 5 days, we can really get some maximum damage done to the locked goals!!!

A quick sample of some Cannibal Mutant Hillbillies out there in Begar's Ridge waiting for a War Party of Scumdogs to come and poke around where they shouldn't be!

Bilge: A Mapping Game of Fear and Flesh

Friends of the Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland, Neon Rot, have made a super cool new game and it is on Kickstarter for just a few more days!

A body horror tabletop mapping game for 1-4 players. Dig deep into the viscera of a space leviathan and battle disgusting horrors. CHECK IT OUT HERE!

That is all I got for now! Can't wait to see what madness we can unlock in the next FIVE days!!!!



10 days to go! Live play Sept 5th!
about 1 year ago – Sun, Sep 03, 2023 at 06:35:53 PM

10 days left to go on the campaign! We are looking good but could always unlock more! Get your friends to sign up!!!! It is always more fun with friends!  Close to getting into some real sweet stuff! Maps, Standees, POGS, and more! Tell them not to wait and ACT NOW!!!

On Sept 5th at 8-m eastern over on the Neon Lords Twitch channel,, we are playing some Neon Lords with some awesome special guests!!! 

What interdimensional madness has Joey Royale found himself in this time????Will these monster men befriend our masked marvel or beat him to a bloody marinara??? That is right, your favorite pizza slingin pizano is teaming up with some burley boys to bring some intense Neon Lords action to your house! 

humongousfungusofurungus, Punky's Mixtape, and Gwell-O's Cyka Destroyer all will jump into the ring in this slaughterfest!!!! This one is not to be missed!!! Make sure to wear a lobster bib, cause it's gonna get bloody!!!

New Stretch Goals added to the madness!!!
about 1 year ago – Wed, Aug 23, 2023 at 12:19:29 PM

Trucking along at 100mph with the campaign!!!!!  All new stretch goals added to the madness of a campaign! In TRUE Neon Lords fashion they are awesome over the top and ready to be added to everyone's pledge!!!

LOCKED - $11,000 – PRINTED STANDEES! Add the new Rider of the Burpwarp Classes to the tabletop fight with printed standees that match the old classes!!

LOCKED - $12,500 BEGGAR'S RIDGE HEX MAP PRINT OUT! An 11x17 poster of Beggar's Ridge in all its glory to show your players or hang on your wall!!! This bad boy will be full color to match the Neo-Terraxx map poster!

LOCKED - $14,000 - POGS SERIES 3! Riders of the Burpwarp theme POG set! Trade 'em with your friends!!!!

LOCKED - $16,000 EQUIPMENT CARDS! An awesome deck of equipment found in the Total Carnage Edition of the Core Rulez! Never miss a feature of a chunk of hardware again!

LOCKED - $18,500MONSTER WAX PACKAGE STYLE STAT CARDZ! A set of 25 of easy to bring to the table monster cards. The front has full-color art while the back has the retro cardboard with all the monster's stats! 20 from the Core Rulez and 5 BRAND NEW MONSTER BADDIES!!

LOCKED - $22,500A FULL SCRATCH-AND-SNIFF ADVENTURE! A full 25+ page full adventure that comes with player sniff cards! Each section of the adventure has a very distinct smell!! Smells have in-game effects!!!

LOCKED-$25,000THE ULTIMATE BRO GOAL! So EXTREME it's held under wraps til we get close to unlocking it! Trust me it's gonna be BONKERZ!